Tuesday, 20 December 2011



This one is from Charlie Charuvastra in Thailand:

1955 Was sent to Darjeeling to a Church of England boarding school, Mt Herman School, learned how to watch out for myself there, didn’t speak a word of English on arrival.

End of 1957 flew into Australia via BOAC Super Constellation.  Landed in Canberra and wondered what the hell my father was doing bringing the family to just bush and a small village.

Was sent to Canberra Boys Grammar, spend two years there before moving to Telopea Park in 1960.

After leaving Telopea Park High went to Canberra Tech (TAFE) came out as a Fitter and Turner, (no choice, father signed me up) finished studying Mechanical Engineering and went to work with Information Electronics as Supervisor of Drafting section.

Married to Virginia Sue Kent in February 1968, and Anastacia and Sasha (1969 and 71) respectively, our two beautiful daughters were born.

Lived in Canberra in Curtin, then moved to Deakin before moving out to the country near Bungendore, started up Phillip Exhaust Center and sold the business before we moved (immigrated back) to Thailand in 1990.

I am now 66 but there is no thought of stopping work or retiring, consulting foreigners who want to set up business here in Thailand, enjoy playing golf and relaxing reading books and eating all the wrong foods!!.

We have four grand children three boys aged 18, 15, 7 and a girl 4. Anastacia lives with her partner in Melbourne and Sasha is with her partner in Ho Chi Min soon to be Brisbane.

Living just out of Pattaya, (sin city) in an apartment not far from the beach, ocean views and beautiful sea breezes, lovely weather all year round.    Our kids want us to move back to Australia!!

More BIOs and "head shot" photos most welcome.

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